The AeroBox Rear Mounted Pickup Truck Box is Perfect for . . .
Construction Workers and DIYers

Storing power tools, hardware, or materials in a big truck bed can result in loose, damaged, or stolen items. Secure and protect it on site and off with a lockable, portable AeroBox™ truck bed tool box.
Outdoor Enthusiasts, Hunters, Fishers, . . .

Weatherproof, durable and secure storage for campers, hunters, fisherman and many other sports enthusiasts who need to keep dirty, smelly gear out of the cab, but safe and secure. The AeroBox™ is perfect for lugging your equipment to your favorite spot in one trip and then nicely stored away back in the garage without having to unpack it all when you return.

Are you one who tries to cram all your shopping in the cab of your truck because all that truck bed storage space is just no good for keeping your things secure? What's all that space good for anyway, if you can't use it for shopping? Now you can keep your purchases safe while you’re away from your vehicle and prevent them from rolling in the truck bed while driving with a secure cargo box that makes loading and unloading easy.

Tired of packing all that equipment and lugging it to your activity site again and again? That big tool box behind the cab is just not that useful and is very hard to access your things. Now you can easily store camp chairs, blankets, snacks and your kid’s sports equipment in one convenient pickup bed storage container, so it’s ready to go when you are. Easily access your things right at the tailgate and stop straining! You can even haul all that gear from the garage to the field in one trip by un-docking your Aerobox and wheeling it away!

Be prepared to have a great time at the game, knowing that you have all your tailgate party items nicely stored in your AeroBox. Be the envy of everyone else whose stuff is scattered in bags and boxes. Now you can secure your food, coolers, and tailgating accessories together in the rear mounted tailgate storage box for easy access right at the tailgate, just where you need it!